Wednesday, October 10, 2007

#12 Library Elf

So I registered with library elf today. It's a pretty nifty service. Probably not as helpful for someone like me who can check their account almost everyday, but I can see where it could be very beneficial. Here at Tomball we get many homeschoolers. The parents will have accounts and so will all five of their children. That's seven cards with dozens of items checked out on each card. A homeschool mom could really benefit from a service like thiss and keep all of her accounts together. Clever idea!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

#11: LibraryThing

I already had a LibraryThing account created. This is something I actually think is cool. It takes a little while though to fully add each item to your page. I would at some point like to add every book I have in my collection as a way to keep track of my books. Its a good thing to do on a lazy weekend while watching tv or something. The site is down right now or I would add some information about my personal account. Later, I guess.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Week #5: Image Generators

Yahoo! Avatars

This week was fun. I enjoyed designing an avatar. This one looks kinda like me. Note the Ohio State gear. I would like to point out that the Ohio State Buckeyes are 6-0. Number 3 in the nation. I see no signs that we are going to lose anytime soon. Perfect season? I think so!

Still Week #4

Our next assignment after setting up our bloglines account was to add a feed. You can either search bloglines or go to the desired website and add it through there if they have the option. That is what I chose to do. I have a sad, very sad addiction. I am confessing right here and now and I refuse to be ashamed. I love celebrity gossip. I may or may not have a subsciption to US Weekly. So, I went to and sure enough right there on the front page was a bloglines icon to click and it to my account. Very easy, no searching required. Now I can stay up to date on all the trash and gossip.

Week #4: RSS Feeds

I am a week behind. So I have some catching up to do. Last week I setup a bloglines account. I subscribed to 19 feeds, including my own blog. I guess its kind of a nifty idea. I don't think personally that I would read them all that much. Although all the information you want is sent directly to you, I still find it kind of cumbersome to sort and find what you want. I would much rather pickup USA Today and flip through the pages.